Friday, September 30, 2011

OpenWorld and Solaris reunion

I'm going to San Francisco and Oracle OpenWorld now. In the coming week will dig into the details of Solaris 11 and the new SPARC T4 processor among other things. Mark Hurd will probably deliver an updated roadmap for Solaris and SPARC, perhaps we will even get some kind of confirmation on the release date of Solaris 11.

Joyent will also host a Solaris family reunion event on tuesday:

"There’s been a lot of news in the past few months about the progeny of Solaris: Illumos, SmartOS, OpenIndiana, and the forthcoming Oracle Solaris 11. Since many of our old friends/colleagues will be in town for Oracle Open World, we of the Illumos / SmartOS / OI community thought it would be a nice opportunity to get together, hoist a few beers, talk about old times, and maybe share our visions of the future."

Solaris family reunion
Oracle OpenWorld

1 comment:

Brett said...

Joyent will also host a Solaris family reunion event on tuesday

I'd love to be a fly on that wall.